timesync – synchronize the system clock to a time source


aux/timesync [ -a accuracy ] [ -S stratum ] [ -s netroot ] [ -frnDdLilG ] [ timeserver ]


Aux/timesync synchronizes the system clock to a time source, by default a file server. The options are:


synchronize to a file server. If timeserver is missing, use /srv/boot.  


synchronize to the local real time clock, #r/rtc.  


used with -r to indicate the real time clock is in local time rather than GMT. This is useful on PCs that also run the Windows OS.  


synchronize to an NTP server. If timeserver is missing, dial the server udp!$ntp!ntp.  


print debugging to standard error  


put file containing last determined clock frequency in directory dir, default /tmp.  


stands for impotent. Timesync announces what it would do but doesn’t do it. This is useful for tracking alternate time sources.  


specifies the accuracy in nanoseconds to which the clock should be synchronized. This determines how often the reference clock is accessed.  


causes timesync to use a gps server (see gpsfs(8)) as a time source.  


causes timesync to listen for UDP NTP requests on the network rooted at netroot. Up to 4 -s options are allowed.  


sets the stratum number to stratum.  


turns on logging to /sys/log/timesync.  



where the last frequency guess is kept  


log file  

